│Job Opportunities│

Construction Business

Job Opportunities: 104


Environmental Engineering Business

Job Opportunities: 104   1111


Leisure and Revreation Business

Job Opportunities: 104  1111


Long-Term Care Medicine Business

Job Opportunities: 104   1111


Food Logistics Business

Job Opportunities: 1111


Energy Business

Job Opportunities: 1111


│Compensation and Benefits│
  • Salaries and year-end bonuses
  • Profit sharing and special bonuses
  • Proposal stipends
  Employee Benefit Packages
  • In addition to the labor insurance, health insurance, and retirement fund withdrawals, employees are offered free group insurance plans.
  • Each office forms an Employee Welfare Committee responsible for monetary allotment.
  • Cash allowances for weddings and funerals are available for employees and their immediate family members.
  • Employees receive gift certificates for birthdays and special holidays.
  • Employees are subsidized for expenses of childbirth and children’s education.
  • Employees are entitled to free annual physicals.
  Supplementary Employee Benefits
  • Company-sponsored club activities, such as Ping-Pong, softball, Yoga, etc., are available for employees’ enrichment.
  • Employees are subsidized for domestic or overseas excursions and a year-end party.
  • Sports events are held yearly to promote collegial relations and communications.
  • Employees enjoy special discounts on company products and home purchases.
  • Employees can check out variety of periodicals and magazines at the main office. The company publication, “LeaLea Bulletin,” provides employees with an avenue of communication.
  • LIBOLON Group offers its employees room and board in a safe, convenient environment.

│Education And Training│

LeaLea Group is committed to provide its employees with a proper training to enhance skills, work ethic, and job performance. Current training programs include the following:

  Training for New Employees
  1. Orientation sponsored by Human Resources.
  2. Professional training based on job positions.
    (1) Resident training
    (2) Mentoring
    (3) On-job training
  3. Employment confirmation: Exchange of company policies and ideas for a smooth transition to the new working environment.
 On-Job Training
  1. Monthly activities:
    (1) Topical Speeches
    (2) Presentation of government regulations and policies
    (3) Impromptu motions
  2. Seminars: Supervisors organize job training and share valuable work experiences with its employees. 
  3. Guest Speakers: Well-known guest speakers are featured periodically.
  4. Project Training: Each department selects employees for professional training based on the needs of each project.
  5. Outside Training: Employees are assigned to attend outside training held by government or private agencies according to their positions.
  6. Overseas training: Senior staff members may be selected to attend overseas training programs based on their job requirements.